QuayClick Digital Marketing

How to use website personalisation to increase conversions

Jeanne Wilkins • Feb 15, 2022

Website personalisation options have been around for a while, but in the last few years they have become more commonplace. Website personalisations enable you to provide website visitors with a more personalised experience; displaying content and interactions tailored to them. This closer engagement with website visitors and presenting them with products and services based on their customer history can help increase conversions. We explore the types of website personalisation available and how you can use personalisation to increase conversions.

What is website personalisation?

Providing a personalised web browsing experience means displaying tailored content to web visitors. Each customer has a slightly different experience when they visit your website. You can personalise content based on factors like…

• Location

• Browsing history

• Device

• Time of day

• Holidays & events

What does website personalisation look like?

Personalisation can take many forms – it could be as simple as displaying different banners or pop-ups to different customers, perhaps a map to their nearest store, a targeted ad based on purchase history or even an animation or effect like falling snow overlaying the website. 

In all cases, personalisation works by changing an element of your website based on a trigger that you define in advance. Personalisation makes your website feel more dynamic and relevant to your customers as they get an experience tailored to them.

Visit our website personalisation page for more detail on setting up personalisation triggers

Examples of website personalisation

There are so many possibilities when it comes to website personalisation. But here are three of our Exeter web design team’s favourite personalisations:

Time & location based pop-ups and offers: Imagine being able to target customers with offers and messaging based on where they are and when they visit your website. With personalisation you can do just that. Use seasonal and time-sensitive personalisations to highlight weekend deals, promote a Valentine's menu or raise awareness of an upcoming event. By using geo-location services you can also target users based on where they are when they visit your website. If a customer visits your website from a mobile device in Exeter you could use a pop-up with a map directing them to your nearest store and include a discount code for them to use that day.

Personalised contact options: You can provide customers with different ways to get in touch with you depending on the time of day they visit your website. During office hours you can use click-to-call buttons to connect with you directly. Then, when your business is closed for the day, you can replace your phone number with an email contact form. This personalisation option provides you and your customers with the best contact experience for the time at which you connect. 

Returning customer email sign-ups: If a customer has visited your website multiple times it’s fair to assume that they like the products or services you offer. For these customers, you can use a personalised pop-up encouraging them to sign up to your newsletter. It’s a great option for targeting more loyal customers and providing options to connect with them again in the future.

How can personalisation increase conversions?

So, personalisation sounds good, but how can it actually increase your conversions? The answer is surprisingly simple. Personalisation appeals to us as customers. Research by Accenture found that the majority of consumers want to shop with businesses that… recognised them by name (56% of respondents agreed), recommended options based on past purchases (58% agreed) and knew their purchase history (65% agreed). 

Personalising website content makes your marketing messages and product recommendations more targeted and persuasive. By highlighting the most relevant and appealing content to each user you are effectively stacking the odds in your favour every time. It’s this that makes website personalisation such an effective conversion tool. 

Experts also believe that personalisation can actually increase the amount of time a user spends on your website. The theory behind this is that by showing your audience content that they want to see, they’ll stick around for longer. Personalisation also ties in closely with segmentation and the more you target content based on customer demographics the more effective your marketing messages will be.

Just how effective is website personalisation?

There is a lot of evidence that website personalisation is an effective way of increasing website conversions. We found these stats particularly interesting:


94% of companies experience an increase in conversion rates from personalisation (RedEye 2017)

80% of customers prefer to buy from companies offering a personalised experience (Epsilon 2018)

Personalised calls to action (CTAs) convert 202% better than standard CTAs. (HubSpot 2018)

For even more stats on the impact on conversions, check out our website personalisation page.

Add personalisations to your website today

If you’re interested in finding out how website personalisation could work for your business, our web design Exeter team can help. We’ll work with you to decide what types of personalisation would work best for your business and define the triggers that will launch a personalisation. To get started, contact us in Exeter today.

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