QuayClick Digital Marketing

Why using a Content Management System can save you time and money

Jeanne Wilkins • Sep 08, 2020
Woman using a content management system (CMS)

The algorithms used by search engines like Google to determine how well a website ranks in search listings change regularly. However, frequently updating your website with new and authoritative content remains one of the most consistent steps you can take to positively influence your search rankings. A good Content Management System puts the power to add content to your website in your hands, on your own schedule, and without the need for external help. 

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A Content Management System (CMS) is simply an application for managing web content that makes it possible for multiple contributors to create, edit and publish content to a website. 

Reduce agency spend by moving routine content updates in-house

There’s no substitute for a professionally designed and developed website. However, once your website has been launched, using a CMS means that your own staff can handle routine content updates. A CMS is a simple interface that is easy for non-technical staff to use. Design and development agency Zivtech highlight that a CMS provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) toolbar that is comparable to using word processing or text editing software that many people will be familiar with. Utilising your own staff for this work reduces dependency on outside support and therefore lowers costs.

Updates to website content whenever you want them 

By using a CMS, the staff within your organisation can publish news stories, add blog posts, upload images and video and add or edit website text whenever you need them to. Content can be uploaded quickly and without delay. This means your company can be more responsive in adding content to reflect market changes, news and external factors like changes to your business due to COVID-19. You can promptly make information available on your website, even outside of usual working hours. This also means that you can take advantage of flash-trends and sales opportunities to quickly create content that appeals to customers interested in these trending themes. This is great for ice cream vendors in a sudden heatwave, but also for all businesses around events like Christmas, Easter, Bank Holidays, Black Friday Sales etc.

Access to a CMS encourages content creation

Having the power to update and add to website content in-house can lead to a culture of increased content creation. Directly engaging staff in website updates gives them a sense of ownership and you may find that they take a more proactive role in developing content as a result. This increased sharing of news stories, company updates and staff developments can have a positive impact on SEO by indexing more content and also projects a positive and authentic staff-led view of your company.

content creators in a business

There’s a Content Management System out there for everyone!

There are many, many, different Content Management Systems available. In fact, Web Technology Services list over 700 different CMS’ in use in the market! The most well known CMS is WordPress, which, according to Digital.Com has a 61.8% market share. However, it’s important to remember that different CMS’ offer different features, themes and ease-of-use and there is a reason why there are so many on offer! 

Workflow management, security and other benefits

There’s no doubt that for us, the cost and time saving of a CMS is its primary appeal. However, there are undoubtedly other benefits, including improved security and the ability to create highly customisable websites that can closely reflect your company brand and style. There’s also the benefit of workflow management, which Optimizely highlights as a core feature of a CMS. Workflow management is the process of assigning roles within an organisation to identify who can write, edit and publish that content. This means you can clearly assign responsibilities in your company to ensure the website is updated and that new content is checked and authorised prior to publishing.

Why we believe a Content Management System works for our clients

Once we’ve designed and built a website for our clients, we give them access to the Content Management System so that they can take control of their own on-going content creation. We believe in saving our clients time and money, and if they need some extra help with the process then we offer one-to-one training on using the CMS editor and creating blogs. 

Professionally designed websites with an easy-to-use CMS

At QuayClick, we design and build responsive websites for a range of corporate clients. The Content Management System we use is highly intuitive and allows for easy creation of blog posts and news articles, complete with image, text and video. This puts the ability to create content in the hands of you and your staff – saving you time and money in the long run. Find out more about a QuayClick website, or get in touch in Exeter today to discuss how we could help your business.

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